International Students


International Education Spotlight: Jordan

Jordan has roughly 10.9 million citizens. Its beautiful landscapes, quirky camels, and sweet tea are known. But also interesting is Jordan's international education scene: Their education system, university system, and trends in international student mobility between Jordan and the U.S.


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#YouAreWelcomeHere started as a hashtag in video outreach of some universities back in 2016. It then got traction and attention - and today, it is a welcome message from U.S. higher education to international students worldwide.


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International Education Spotlight: France

France has roughly 69 million citizens. It's known for the beautiful city of Paris and its love for extended meals featuring amazing cheeses, baguettes, and wine. But today, let's look at France's international education scene: Their education system, university system, and trends in international student mobility between France and the U.S.


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International Education Spotlight: India

India has roughly 1.4 billion citizens. It's known for the bustling city of New Delhi, colorful saris, and tasty cuisine. I had the opportunity to visit a few years back and just loved it! I met international educators that moved their universities and students forward every day. Incredible India! But no more travel memories - let's take a dive into the international education scene: Their education system, university system, and trends in international student mobility between India and the U.S.


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International Education Spotlight: The Gambia

The Gambia has roughly 2.2 million citizens. I had the opportunity to live and work in the beautiful country for about a year. The people are wonderful, and it deserves its title, the "smiling coast"! But, what is the international education scene? Let's take a look.


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How We Can Help Adult International Learners to Fit In

What stands in the way of fitting in on campus when you are an adult international learner, and how can international educators help? I see institutional exclusion, hidden professional development opportunities, and the difficulty of creating a meaningful inner circle. And our mission as international eductors to be their agent and to facilitate connections to help adult international learners to fit in.


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A Closer Look at the Top 3 Sending Countries of International Students

So, where do international students on U.S. campuses come from? When we look at the IIE Open Doors report 2019, we find contenders like China and India that I would have guessed to be at the top, but who is number three? It turns out; it is South Korea, a comparatively small country that sends a large group of students that make our campus life even more diverse. Let’s have a closer look at the numbers and some trends.


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Overlapping Identities of International Students

International students actually have different overlapping identities. These identities are present at the same time, sometimes complementing, but also sometimes fighting each other. That is the reason why we sometimes fail to integrate them on campus. To do that, we need to understand the identities and the needs that go with them. We can't just pick one, but need to make sure that all these identities can be expressed on campus.


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Why fit in when you are born to stand out?

Dr. Seuss got it right when he asked: Why fit in when you are born to stand out? When we compare the International learner to the traditional learner, I find that in many ways they stand out. Their financial and cultural background, their reason for being on campus, but also things like age, education, length of stay, or family status differs. I would like to have a look at all these factors because I think understanding what makes them stand out is the basis to successfully address their needs.


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Classroom learning book stationary concept

Learning Is Created Through Experience

David Kolb was an American psychiatrist who developed a learning theory that has experience in the very center of learning. But he does not stop at the experience, but takes it further and developed a four-stage model of learning.


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