International Education Spotlight: Jordan


Jordan has roughly 10.9 million citizens. Its beautiful landscapes, quirky camels, and sweet tea are known. But also interesting is Jordan’s international education scene: Their education system, university system, and trends in international student mobility between Jordan and the U.S.

Education System Overview

Jordan mandates ten years of pre-high school. High school is another two years. The academic school year is from September to June. For public and private schools, 12 years of study is required along with either a terminal Tawjihi degree or its equivalent. Failure to obtain a Tawjihi or equivalent means a student will not be admitted to a university in Jordan. The subjects required are Arabic, English, math, and science. Arabic is the language of instruction in all public schools. English is primarily the language of instruction in most private schools.

University System Overview

The top fields of study are medicine, engineering, and law. The degrees offered are bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate. Four years of study are required for most fields. Some fields may require more years to complete, such as medicine, pharmacy, engineering, and law.

International Education Snapshot

In 2021, there were about 2,400 Jordan students studying in the U.S. About 603 U.S. Study Abroad students were in Jordan.

Jordan Snapshot

Students in the U.S. by Academic Level

Top Five Receiving States

Jordan’s top five receiving states of international students are Texas, New York, California, Florida, and Illinois.

Study Abroad

Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the United States are the top destinations to study abroad for students.


Ministry of Education

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research



United States Department of State (2021): Student Mobility Fact Sheets, 2021 Jordan Student Mobility Facts and Figures